Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Connecting Science with Life Cycle of a Salmon

Science Expectation
Under the expectation and goals from the FDLK, educators can ask questions regarding the differences and similarities between the environment of a salmon and the children.  For example, "salmon can live under water can we live under water?" "What are the reason we can't live under water?" "What do we have and salmon does not have?"

A way to implement these questions is dramatic play, a group of children can use props to act as salmons and a group of children can dress as anyone they wish. From the dramatic play the class can compare the different props each group of children has and the tools and toys they have used to create the habitat of both salmon and humans. With children's imagination they are able to use blue blocks as water and they will verbally tell you what each item represents. This is a great experience for children to investigate the environment of both salmon and children. They are able to use "what they know" and "what they learned" in play. Children learn best through play and this activity supports goals and expectations.
Please visit this website for more information http://seymoursalmon.com/lifecycle.php

FDLK 3.1 identify similarities and differences between local environments (e.g. Between park and pond; between school yard and field) (FDLK p.121)

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